Promotions And Gimmicks: The Icebar Co

March 16, 2012 William 0 Comments


As you probably know or have seen by now, The IceBar Co is Fonterra’s new ice block brand to hit the shelves at the supermarket.

One thing that I thought they did very well was their branding. The current gimmick of giving away a plastic bag that looks like a packet of peas so you can disguise your ice blocks so other family members don’t eat them in your absence.

Clever idea – one thing I felt that was interesting was the envelope arrived handwritten and for them to go to all that effort of sending me the “packet of peas” I was surprised there was no incentive/voucher to try their apparently delicious new ice blocks as I have not yet tried one and as they say “we take ice blocks seriously” I thought they would have.

If you’re strange like me and would like your own free frozen pea bag click here!

Update: I now have finally tried them and they are delicious I recommend Old-fashioned lemonade!